Intro Whenever you get that feeling you might have just had the perfect pizza, I can guarantee the dough plays a big part in that. It doesn’t matter if you’ve got the best sauce, or the freshest ingredients, because without great dough your pizza will fall flat – literally! Proving and Retarding are two techniques […]
Whenever you get that feeling you might have just had the perfect pizza, I can guarantee the dough plays a big part in that. It doesn’t matter if you’ve got the best sauce, or the freshest ingredients, because without great dough your pizza will fall flat – literally! Proving and Retarding are two techniques that can elevate not just your dough, but your whole pizza game. Let’s find out how Everlasting are championing Retarders and Provers
Prover and Retards are designed to provide leavening of dough “through correct management of temperature, humidity and time parameters” – that’s from our friends at Everlasting Refrigeration. Everlasting Refrigeration are dough proofing experts, who have been innovating the industrial refrigeration industry since they began in 1980. Let’s find out why an Everlasting Prover and Retarder is essential for delicious dough.
I’m sure you already know, but if you didn’t, pizza dough can vary massively depending on several factors including; ingredients, process, temperature and the skills of the chef.
After speaking with our customers, we can confirm the two most important factors are;
1. Condition
2. Consistency
Clearly consistency is key and cannot be ignored. Therefore, Everlasting have developed their Provers and Retards to be able to keep dough in the perfect condition throughout the process. Did we mention this will allow effortless consistent results (regardless of season or the kitchen temperature)? Oh yeah that’s right! And what does that mean for you? Every product arrives to the customer as it should. Just look at our good friends at Lenny’s Pizza who are implementing 2 door bench Retarder Prover at their new London spot. We also supply a popular Italian Pizzeria chain (sadly can’t mention who) with this Baking Cabinet.
We have found the main challenges for restaurants and bakeries currently are:
* The affordability of good quality ingredients and a consistent supply
* The availability of skilled staff, with consistency of performance
* Consistency of temperature and humidity to support artisan processes
* Business costs: primarily equipment, energy, and staff
To conclude, the Everlasting Retarder Prover offers the following 5 advantages when it comes to Pizza Dough:
1. Ability to set and monitor the right temperature and humidity over time, in exact phases to ensure consistency of the dough without relying on staff to remember
2. Reduction in the reliance of the right kitchen temperature and humidity for artisan dough product, so processes are not affected by seasonal changes
3. Management and control of end-to-end production processes without the need for highly skilled staff, reducing labour costs and improving visibility of activity
4. Easy to use automatic programmes to get the dough ready for it is needed and hold it accordingly, with the flexibility of being able to support the variation in demand throughout the day
5. Ability to support a wide range of retarding, thawing, proving, and holding regimes for both fresh and frozen dough, to meet any modern pizzeria needs
For some businesses, this can lead to significant improvements in dough quality and a reduction in dough wastage.
Everlasting produces both space saving upright reach in cabinets and under counters (where the countertops can be used to support pizza preparation processes).
Space saving and innovative, they really are Everlasting. And now, you are able to completely customise the climate of your dough’s proving environment, allowing your dough to rise to perfection.